COVALYZE is a platform for SME’s and global companies with many parts in many different categories. Find out how we identify detailed cost savings on a part level by combining PLM data with procurement data.
COVALYZE is a platform for OEMs and enterprise manufacturers needing to drive down costs of sourced components and services whilst accelerating time to market.
First make an appointment via Calendly. If you have any questions, please use the form below
2. Meet our team at Covalyze
Our founders have long standing expertise in procurement and cost analytics
3. Use our software for 2 weeks for free!
You can use our software for 2 weeks for free of charge with several demo categories
Customers award-winning software 2022
Customers award-winning software 2022
COVALYZE combines several price management modules that easily allow the user to answer key questions in the daily engineering process. Work side by side with all your colleagues and share your insights with them.